Sunday, August 30, 2009

Speak 3 discussion questions.

1. Discuss what precipates Melinda's skipping school and what she does.
She has got in a fight with her mom and she missed the bus and was thinking, I cut, we cut, it cuts. so she then goes to the hospital.

2.Was being a child better than being a teenager? In what ways? In what ways is it better to be older? Why is it hard to be in between childhood and adulthood?
Being a child is better than a teenager because you younger and you have less responsibities. The ways that it is better to be older is because you can have more freedom and do more things you want to. Its hard between those ages because you are going through a change and also going through akward stages.

3.Analyze the refrence to the symbols in The Scarlet Letter and how Melinda would adapt the letter "A".
The scarlet letter would relate to Melinda because she would like to fit in and feel more of a person after everything had happened.

4. Discuss the dissolution of Melinda and Heather's friendship and the effect it has on Melinda. What is the meaning of friendship?
Melinda and Heathers relationship wasnt a real one but Melinda had sit with Heather at lunch because she had no one and she was new but heather felt weird hanging out with her necause Melinda doesnt fit in with everyone and she wants people to like her.

5.Analyze the events and effects of Valentines Day on Melinda and the aftermath.
Valentines day was not a very good day for Melinda because of all the lovers getting the hearts for eachother but the only thing for her that was relatied to that was the rape.

6.Melinda wishes her science teacher would teach them about love and betrayal instead of the birds and the bees. Where do we learn about things like that? Can we learn about love from a book? Explain?
Melinda's teacher, when she gave the birds and bees talk it also did have to do with love and betrayal because it does happen. It is weird because love and betrayal is supposed to be two totally different things and when the teacher was talking about it Melinda felt like it was related to her.

7.Discuss what happenes when Melinda is placed in In-school suspension. How would you react to this situation?
In school suspension melinda felt even more lonely and depressed. To make it even worse Andy the guy who raped her was in there and so was Mr. Neck, the teacher who hates her, also.

8.Analyze Mr. Freemans effect on Melinda, inside and outside the art class. Do you agree with his statement, "when people dont express themselves, they die one piece at a time."?
Mr. Freeman's effect on Melinda is a big one because she becomes really creative and good at things inside of class because of what he had told her. He has figured her out and now she is trying to be herself and not let anyone get to her. When people are not themselves they die slowly because the real them is dying to get out, but they do not want to be judged.

9.Mr. Freeman tells his class "you must walk alone to find your soul." What does this mean? Is it true? What is a soul?
I think that this statement means that you have to find out who you are and what you are about on the inside before you try to figure anyone out. I think this is most deff. true because everyone needs to know who they are. A soul is what you are on the inside and it is who you are as a person.

10.Mr. Freeman also says that "art is about making mistakes and learning from them." What else is like this? Explain.
Life is what is just like that, you make your mistakes, and you learn from them. no one is perfect but you can at least try your best and do what you love in life.

11. Examine Melinda's self-image and her survival techniques after Heather's rejection.
Melinda's self image and survival techniques are to just get through the day by her self and to not be near anyone. She is confused because she was the only person who was nice to Heather on the first day and it makes her mad because no one likes her.

12.Examine Melinda's revelation about the night of the party and its residual effext on her.
Her revelation about the night f the party was very very nerve recking for her, she felt very alone and after that night she has not been the same. Everyone hates her. She wants to tell Rachel but she will not beileve her because of what had happened and it is her now boyfriend.

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