Sunday, August 30, 2009

SAT Prep Words.

Abhor- Hate.
Sentance example: I abhor going to the dentist because it only means pain to me.

Bigot- Narrow minded, prejudiced person.
Sentance example: Aldof Hitler was both a bigot and insane.

Counterfeit- Fake; False.
Sentance example: It was obvious that the hundred dollar bill was counterfeit because it had Abraham Lincoln on the front.

Enfranchise- giving voting rights.
Sentance example: In some countries, the citizens are not enfranchised and the leaders are dictorial.

Hamper- Hinder; obstruct.
Sentance example: In Forks, Washington the weather does not hamper vampires from being out in the open during the day.

Noxious- harmful; poisonous; lethal
Sentance Example: The venom of vampires from being out in the open during the day.

Placid- calm; peaceful
Sentance example: When all seems placid, beware the storm is coming.

Talisman- lucky charm.
Sentance example: A rabbits fot is considered to be a talisman of good luck.

Abrasive- rough; course; harsh.
Sentance example: Sometimes people with a brasice personalities seem nicer after you get to know them.

Covert- hidden; undercover
Sentance example: The rainy weather in Seattle, Washingtop makes it possible for vampires to live covertly.

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